Sakrálne príbehy/Sacral Stories 2022
Slovensko rozlohou patrí medzi malé krajiny, napriek tomu má pestrý diapazón duchovných stavieb a ich pohnutých osudov. Zámerom projektu je vizuálnym jazykom rozprávať tieto príbehy cez jednotlivé stavby alebo výzdobu v chrámoch. Keď ešte myšlienky Biblie neboli šírené kníhtlačou, práve románsko-gotické kostoly prostredníctvom monumentálnych nástenných malieb prerozprávali a zvečnili Starý a Nový zákon (Biblia Pauperum). Tieto maľby a stavby odzrkadľujú dobro, ale aj krvavé dejiny a temnoty ľudského bytia. Umelci cez ikonografiu malieb rozprávali príbehy o starozákonných prorokoch Abrahámovi – praotcovi viery, Izákovi, Jákobovi, Mojžišovi a ďalších až ku Kristovi a evanjelistom.
Výstava zachytáva aj drevené kostoly viacerých náboženstiev. Okrem kostolov približuje aj príbehy synagóg, ktorých osudy sú zložité a smutné. Ich abstraktná výzdoba, ktorá vychádza z príkazu Tóry nezobrazovať podobu B-ha svojho nerozpráva príbehy, ich príbehy približuje súčasný stav synagóg.Rozsiahly projekt bol premierovaný v roku 2022 v PGU v Žiline a bol rozdelený do piatich kapitol Minulosť, Smútok, Krása, Rituály, Kultúra a Konzum.
from the project
Komentovaná prehliadka výstavy Sakrálne príbehy TU
Installation in PGU Žilina
with curator Peter Megyeši
Sacral Stories 2022
Slovakia is one of the small countries in terms of area, yet it has a varied range of spiritual buildings and their turbulent destinies. The intention of the project is to use a visual language to tell these stories through individual buildings or decoration in temples. When the ideas of the Bible were not yet disseminated by the printing press, it was the Romanesque-Gothic churches that retold and immortalized the Old and New Testaments (Biblia Pauperum) through monumental wall paintings. These paintings and buildings reflect the good, but also the bloody history and darkness of human existence. Through the iconography of the paintings, the artists told stories about the Old Testament prophets Abraham - the forefather of faith, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and others up to Christ and the evangelists. The exhibition also captures wooden churches of several religions. In addition to churches, we also present the stories of synagogues, whose destinies are complex and sad. Their abstract decoration, which is based on the command of the Torah not to depict the image of G-d, does not tell stories; their stories are approximated by the current state of synagogues.
The extensive project was premiered in 2022 at PGU in Žilina and was divided into five chapters: Past, Sorrow, Beauty, Rituals, Culture and Consumption.
Slovakia is one of the small countries in terms of area, yet it has a varied range of spiritual buildings and their turbulent destinies. The intention of the project is to use a visual language to tell these stories through individual buildings or decoration in temples. When the ideas of the Bible were not yet disseminated by the printing press, it was the Romanesque-Gothic churches that retold and immortalized the Old and New Testaments (Biblia Pauperum) through monumental wall paintings. These paintings and buildings reflect the good, but also the bloody history and darkness of human existence. Through the iconography of the paintings, the artists told stories about the Old Testament prophets Abraham - the forefather of faith, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and others up to Christ and the evangelists.
The exhibition also captures wooden churches of several religions. In addition to churches, we also present the stories of synagogues, whose destinies are complex and sad. Their abstract decoration, which is based on the command of the Torah not to depict the image of G-d, does not tell stories; their stories are approximated by the current state of synagogues.
The extensive project was premiered in 2022 at PGU in Žilina and was divided into five chapters: Past, Sorrow, Beauty, Rituals, Culture and Consumption.